Facial reflexology is an intriguing and multifaceted therapy that uses gentle pressure on specific points on your face to enhance overall well-being. We offer 2 levels of Facial Reflexology training: Facial Reflexology Level 1 & Facial Reflexology Level 2.
Course Outline
FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY LEVEL 1 – (6 students minimum, 8 students maximum)
Friday 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- Introductions
- History of Facial Reflexology
- Facial Maps / Major Points
- Personal Self Care Facial Routine
- Sleep Protocol
Saturday 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
- Identifying Skin Types & Conditions
- How To Pick Products & Tools
- Set Up & Draping
- Cleansing
- Massage
- Headache Protocols
- Give & Receive Protocols
Sunday 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
- Intake Forms & Charting
- Pricing & Marketing
- Importance Of Opening & Closing Session – Energy Awareness
- Stress Protocol
- Allergy Protocol
- Give & Receive Protocols
*OPTIONAL – Monday, Clinic Day 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Putting it all together
- Give 2 full one hour treatments (Case Studies)
- Clinic Day is mandatory for those who with to be certified, and optional for those who do not wish to be certified.
- One hour, online review class – Date to be determined by class.
- Certification in Facial Reflexology 101 is optional. To become fully certified students must complete 25 case studies and take a practical exam.
- *Note: Must attend Monday Clinic Day to be certified.
- Take home a skin care kit with Emerald Earth Organics includes: Lavender & Chamomile Cleansing Oil, Rosemary & Citrus Cleansing Oil, Lavender & Rose Toner, Cucumber & Aloe Toner, Radiance Face Has, Apres Gel Mask, Day Cream, Night Cream, Radiant Glow Oil, Lip Balm (Value $325).
- Fee to attend 3 Days + 1 hour Review Class = $1,250.00 + GST (Mandatory for Certification)
- Fee to attend Optional 4th Clinic Day = $200.00 + GST (Mandatory for Certification)
- Fee for Certification = $200 + GST (Mandatory for Certification)
FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY LEVEL 2 – (6 students minimum, 8 students maximum)
*Course outline and additional details coming soon!