The Roots of Healing Chronic Stress | Self Reflex Routine
The age of stress is upon us in heaps and it takes a well balanced system to cope with the overload.
Our offering:
You will come away knowing an efficient foot routine to reduce chronic symptoms of stress such as; anxiety, depression, pain, poor memory, irritability, fogginess , high blood pressure or heart palpitations.
This livestream circle offers you two options:
1. Registration Only $25
2. Reg + Self Care Kit $65 (only 10 available- $15 savings)
We’re excited to have you join us for this exquisite workshop. Learn some advanced style techniques to better manage stress in the moment you need it most. Our focus will be foot reflexes pertaining to the autonomic nervous system; parasympathetic | sympathetic, brainstem, vagus nerve, head| jaw
WHEN: February 11th
TIME: 6:30pm PST | 7:30 MST
LINK: Emailed upon Registration
To register click here: https://www.reflexexp.com/